A Summer Week In France

While the kids enjoyed quite a bit of pampering in France with their grand parents, we only had a week together to enjoy a late summer weather – between some busy work weeks and a wedding. So we made some particular efforts with our photography, meaning taking the camera out and carrying heavy lenses. Even so we are still hunting for an outdoor portrait of the four of us, we probably made up for the lack of pictures of Olivier and Chiara recently.

We had a very packed week, finally catching up with friends and spending time outdoor – but hopefully the kids did not realised and managed to relax !

Most of the close-ups below were taken with our now-favourite 70-200mm f/2.8 IS (and we have plenty more) – this lens is really creating quite a bit of magic …


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 70-200mm f2.8 – 1/800s at f/2.8 ISO 100 – Getting two people in focus at f/2.8 is usually a very risky bet, but when it works it’s magical. Seeing Olivier in her mother arms is pretty common though – here walking up a slope in Le Sauze.


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 70-200mm f2.8 – 1/320s at f/3.5 ISO 100 – On the same slope, but this time practising horse riding.


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 24-70mm f2.8 – 1/320s at f/5.6 ISO 100 – One those lucky shots, completely facing the sun Chiara is guiding her brother to the trees for a morning climbing in trees. They are completely inseparable those days …


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 24-70mm f2.8 – Tree top adventure in their own style. Olivier mostly playing hide and seek while Chiara was a bit more adventurous. 



Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 24-70mm f2.8 – 1/125s at f/5 ISO 100 – Chiara on “Etoile” trying to re-assure Olivier and convince him it’s safe to sit. But Olivier had no trust in the animal (to be fair with the pony, he doesn’t have much confidence in most humans either).


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 70-200mm f2.8 – 1/500s at f/3.5 ISO 100 – We came back with 700 photos – and this one came top. Obviously well framed but also very sharp thanks to conservative settings, so it’s a very well executed portrait by Sab. A proof it’s not only about how much time one spend with the camera at hand …


Left (Julien Z., 2008), Right (Ariane V., 2013). Same spot, same tree – 5 years and two kids later. We spent two emotional days in Chateau Mentone where we got married. We will try to come back in 2018, with who knows who …



Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 24-70mm f2.8 – f/5.6 ISO 100 (HDR image merged of 3 exposures) – Entrecastreaux castle around midday – just before a lunch at La Fourchette Restaurant.


Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 70-200mm f2.8 – 1/200s at f/3.2 ISO 100 – Relaxing morning for Chiara and Olivier at Chateau Mentone new guest houses. They both were much more relaxed than when we went wolf hunting the night before in the dark (Chiara asked for it)



Canon EOS 5D Mk III – 24-70mm f2.8 – 1/50s at f/3.5 ISO 800 – Tomato special food photography essay for a potential spot in our kitchen, pending consideration …

Comments 2

  1. super vos photos!!trop mignons vos enfants.
    Moi je vais essayer de venir vous voir avant 2018, et avant que vous ayez 3 enfants de plus 🙂
    bises à tous

  2. Post

    Ça serait cool que tu viennes nous voir bientôt, mais pour 2018 c’est certain qu’il n’y en aura pas trois de plus !

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