Spring Time

Spring is on us – time to charge camera batteries, remove dust and get the camera out ! With our just-renewed pass for Kew Gardens we went two times in May to enjoy the spring flowers and get the children outside. We lacked sun, especially with the ongoing work next door to our house which disabled our garden for a while.

So this is the best of the crop from our visits. Our 70-200mm did a few miracles again, so we are taking it out of the “For Sale” list for now.


Playing in the tree log arrangement at one extremity of the garden.


This is what you get within 20s when you ask Chiara to pose and she is in good mood. Maybe those drama lessons were not a good idea after all ….


Jump your size, win a prize


Peacock studying turning into peacock chasing


Olivier complying laying in the daisies for a quick portrait (and a bit of duck poo on the right of the image)


Olivier is 90% convinced this is not a real crocodile. Better be safe than sorry.

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